L’ evento “ITOM at HOME” in Sant’ Ambrogio di Torino, è stato ospitato nei locali dell’ Associazione Torino Heritage, luogo storico dove venivano prodotto le moto ITOM. I collezionisti privati hanno messo a disposizione vari modelli di moto del marchio in esposizione presso la nostra struttura. I Workshop e incontri si sono svolti in struttura nel Birrificio San Michele.

The “ITOM AT HOME EVENT” which took place in Sant Ambrogio di Torino, has been hold in Torino Heritage facility. Our association is indeed located in the ex motorcycle ITOM factory. All the bike collector were present at the event, displaying they own privat collection. A Workshop did as well take place at the San Michele’s Brewery with few people testimony from the former motorcycle brand.

Event: Itom at Home # 28/29.09.2019

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